Unit XII Disorders & Unit XIII Therapy

Unit XII & XIII Plan: Notice, with the exception of Quiz 1, you will not be reading Unit XII for any quizzes, you will be receiving all the information you need about Psychological Disorders from your classmates and your own research.  (Which you will record during Step 9: Psychological Disorders' Note Taking Guide)  Quizzes 2-5 will focus on Unit XIII.

Unit XII&XIII Outline Note Taking Guide
Pre-Assessing Your Knowledge of Psychological Disorders
"Psychological Disorders Note Taking Guide"
Research Project Grading Sheet
Case Studies on Disorders (Extra Credit)


Unit XII Powerpoint
Unit XIII Powerpoint

Research Project Introduction: During your life, all of you will come in contact with a person who has a Psychological Disorder.  Many of you are taking this class because you know someone who has a Psychological Disorder.  Unfortunately, many people do not understand what the symptoms, causes, or treatments for even the more common Psychological Disorders.  Through the following activities you will explore some of the basics and then go into detail on one specific disorder.

Learners: 10th-12th grade students in an elective Introduction to Psychology/AP Psychology social studies class.  The students in this class generally span the spectrum from special education to honors/AP students. 

Learning Targets:
1. Students can name the five most common categories of Psychological Disorders.
2. Students can name, list a minimum of three symptoms, describe two possible causes, and two forms of treatment for one disorder from each of the five common categories.
3. Students can describe how Psychological Disorders are diagnosed using the DSMIV or the DSM5.
4. Students can name and explain the therapies used to treat most Psychological Disorders
5. Students will demonstrate how to search for “reputable” websites, YouTube clips, and other online resources.

Research Project Grading Sheet: You and I will use this document to evaluate your work for this unit.

Step 1 Background Lesson: Watch the following presentation to become familiar with what a psychological disorder is and what the criteria are for diagnosis.

Step 2 Assessing your Knowledge of Psychological Disorders Assignment: Open the linked Google doc titled, "Pre-Assessing Your Knowledge of Psychological Disorders" (make a copy of it in your own "Drive" by clicking on file, "Make a copy") and tell me what you know about each of the major categories.  You do not need to look anything up, just tell me what you know.  Record your educated guesses on the "Pre-Assessing Your Knowledge of Psychological Disorders" Google doc.
  • Mood Disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Eating Disorders
  • Anxiety (Stress) Disorders
  • Personality Disorders
Step 3 Find a Video: What does it look like, feel like, or how does a person with a Psychological Disorder describe their experience.  Use YouTube to find movie clips, documentaries, testimonials, interviews, or audio clips for each of the Psychological Disorders you select.  Record your links and a brief description on the "Pre-Assessing Your Knowledge of Psychological Disorders" assignment from step 2.  

Below are a few examples:

Description of Bipolar Mood Disorder

Movie Portrayal of Paranoid Schizophrenia

Movie Portrayal of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Step 4 Research Project: Pick a specific psychological disorder and research the following questions using a minimum of three different sources (one must be the textbook, one must be an ebook).
1.  How is it detected, what are the symptoms (check out the list in the DSMIV or DSM 5)?

-Are there any other disorders or illnesses that are related to this disorder?

2.  What is it caused by?  If you can’t find a specific cause, what do they believe are contributing or correlating factors? 

-What are all of the possible causes?  (Particularly those mentioned in the book.)
3. Find a 1-3 minute video clip that portrays or explains what it is like to have this disorder.  Embed the video into your presentation or your video.  If you write a paper, have the link ready so we can show it in class.
4.  What type of therapy is used to deal with this disorder?

-How do the different treatment methods work, what are they designed to do?

-If they take medications, are they: mimickers, blockers, re-uptake inhibitors
5.  Recommendations on how one can best interact with someone who lives with this disorder.

6.  (EXTRA CREDIT) Summarize the results of your Survey (See Step 5) using graphs and your overall analysis of the responses.

  • Case Study Questions: Do research on a specific person who has dealt with your selected disorder. 
    1. How and when were they diagnosed?
    2. How has it affected their life?
    3. Do they have to/choose to take any medications?  What type of therapy have they received?
    4. List of films & books that deal with this disorder.
    5. List of any well-known people with this disorder.
  • Select a means of presenting your Final Project
    • Option 1: A Traditional Explanatory Research Paper
    • Option 2: A Power Point or Google Presentation
    • Option 3: A Youtube Video
      • See attached Video Rubric
      • 15 Points Extra Credit if you use this option
Step 5 Collect the sources you used and attach a Bibliography to your Research Project

  • Option 1: Include a traditional bibliography page at the end of your paper
  • Option 2: Include a slide or slides with your bibliography at the end of your presentation
  • Option 3: Include a slide or slides at the end of your video with your bibliography
Step 6 (EXTRA CREDIT) Create a Survey: use Survey Monkey to create a survey designed to assess your peers and parents attitudes towards and understanding of psychological disorders.  Half of the questions should be general questions about disorders in general and the other half should be about the specific disorder you did your research on.  Create a minimum of 10 questions and collect responses from a minimum of 10 peers or family members.  The following instructions should get you started.


Summarize your findings in your research paper (or include it as a part of your Power Point or your Youtube), attach a copy of your original list of questions and the graphs that are provided by Survey Monkey (You can do screen shots or use Jing to save your graphs).  Address the following questions in your summary:

  1. How aware of and how informed about Psychological Disorders are the people around?  
  2. Were you surprised by any of the data you collected or did it support your pre-conceived ideas?

Step 7 Submit your Research Project via email jeremys@provo.edu (Share doc or send link)

  • 3rd & 5th Period before class on Mon. 3/6, 
    • If you have an Anxiety Disorder it is due on Thurs. 3/2
Step 8 You will have 10 minutes to present your Disorder in front of the class on your assigned day (see the Unit Plan for the Categories we will be covering each day.)  If you make a YouTube Video, you will show the video to the class, if you do a PowerPoint/Google presentation, you will use that to present to the class, if you write a paper, you will summarize your paper for the class.

Step 9 Note Taking Guide:  Print out the linked "Psychological Disorders Note Taking Guide" and use it to record the essential information from your classmates' presentations.  

Step 10 Evaluate your own Project: Click on the following link Research Project Grading Sheet: and evaluate the quality of your work.  This will be due the day of the test.

To Do Checklist

  1. Watch the Background Lesson Presentation
  2. Complete the Pre-Assessing your Knowledge of Psychological Disorders Assignment to include finding video clips (Due day of the test)
  3. Find a Video and record the source on your "Pre-assessing your knowledge of Psychological Disorders" assignment. 
  4. The Final Project (Paper, Presentation, or YouTube Video)
  5. Bibliography
  6. (EXTRA CREDIT) Create and conduct a Survey: summarize your findings, include your questions & Graphs
  7. Submit your Research Project via email (See Step 7 for due date)
  8. Present your Disorder to the class on your assigned day
  9. Fill out the Psychology Disorders Note Taking Guide (Due the day of the test)
  10. Complete the "Research Project Grading Sheet" (Due the day of the test.)
  11. Complete the Case Studies Diagnosis Assignment (This will be done in class if we have time at the end of the unit.)

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